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Today’s Hours 10am - 10pm
Call Us: (902) 490 2675

Indie Alehouse Tap Takeover In Store

Jul 20, 2019 1:00pm - 4:00pm

The rumours are true, Toronto’s Indie Alehouse will be joining us in store for a tap takeover this Saturday, July 20th!
We take any clean growlers, so bring yours down to the shop from 9 AM onwards for a fill. We’ll have the brewer & crew in store from 1:00-4:00 PM, where they will chat about the beer, pour samples and fill growlers.
Here’s what you’ll find on tap from Indie Alehouse this Saturday:
Lemonade Stand- Sour with Myer Lemon
Fruity Farmhouse- Foeder-Aged Raspberry Farmhouse
Couch Surfer- Session IPA
Broken Hipster- Belgian Wit]
Breakfast Porter- English Porter
Rabbit of Caerbanogg- White IPA, made in collaboration with Bar Hop
Instigator- India Pale Ale
BONUS: We’ll give away a free growler (the container not the beer) with every fill purchased this weekend.