Today’s Hours 10am - 10pm
Call Us: (902) 490 2675

Vino Paradiso: The Wines of Southern Italy

Oct 20, 2017 5:00pm - 7:00pm

Italy is considered the world’s largest wine producing nation by volume and contains some of the most diverse and unique wine producing regions. From Puglia to Campania, Calabria to the slopes of Etna- the wines of Southern Italy are still largely unknown and waiting to be discovered!

Southern Italy plays a very important role in the history of winemaking. Greek traders brought many new, non-indigenous grape varieties to the sunny southern  Italy. In the many generations that have followed, this region became one of “the largest grape biodiversity hotspots on the planet”, according to Wine Enthusiast Magazine. 

Join us as we taste through wines from all over Southern Italy and celebrate the harvest here in Nova Scotia! As always, the tasting starts at 5:00 PM and will finish at 7:00 PM. We will also feature a delicious assortment of appetizers to accompany the wines. Tickets are $25.00 and can be purchased via Eventbrite.

*Please note: no refunds for cancellations within 24 hours of event.