Jose Cuervo – Sparkling Margarita 4pk (1420ml)

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In 1795, Jose María Guadalupe de Cuervo began selling the very first Vino Mezcal de Tequila de Jose Cuervo after receiving the first official charter from the King of Spain to produce tequila commercially. Cuervo has been producing tequila at La Rojeña, the oldest active distillery in Latin America, ever since.

Tasting Notes

Refreshing aromas of lime zest, Tequila, and triple sec come together to create a harmonious margarita cocktail in a can. The complex notes of Tequila are complimented with the supporting flavours, and a refreshing carbonation is added.


Jose Cuervo Sparkling Margarita is a ready-to-drink sparkling margarita made with Jose Cuervo tequila, triple sec, natural lime and citrus flavors. Chilled or on the rocks. Just pour and enjoy!

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*All prices include applicable taxes and bottle deposit.



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