Kim Crawford Pinot Noir (750ml)

  • Wine Type

    Red Wine

  • Size


  • Vintage


  • Country

    New Zealand

  • Region

    South Island

  • Sub-Region


  • Grape

    Pinot Noir

  • Farming Method

    ConventionalMost products with this label come from producers who do their best to avoid any intervention at all but it’s possible that some of the aforementioned preventative measures and additions are deemed necessary. Learn More

  • ABV


  • Food Pairing

    Pulled porkCevicheChicken

The vineyards of Kim Crawford are located in outstanding, predominantly coastal sites. The grapes benefit from long days, clean sea breezes and crisp nights. In combination with New Zealand’s long and dry autumn season, our grapes ripen slowly, which allows them to build flavor intensity as well as develop a sophisticated acidity. In the end, it is this unique combination of factors–from regions and soils, to temperatures and growth rates–that give Kim Crawford a perfect balance of fruit and acidity. 

Tasting Notes

This refreshing, cool-climate Pinot Noir from New Zealand offers classic flavours of black cherry and raspberry with earthy notes. 

A product image for Kim Crawford Pinot Noir


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