Sourwood – Wabamo Hopped Cider (355ml)

  • Beer Type

    Cider Learn More

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  • Region

    Nova Scotia

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  • ABV


  • Tasting Notes


Sourwood Cider makes bone dry, sometimes tart, unfiltered ciders. Based in Halifax while currently working on relocating to their Farm in Petite Riviere – they source fresh-pressed juice from local apples grown in the Annapolis Valley. Sourwood works with wild and alternative yeasts, and focuses on creating unique flavour profiles. They are currently experimenting with ciders aged on fruit, and are starting to release wine/grape co-ferments.

Tasting Notes

This cider is balanced and juicy. Super easy to drink. Strong citrus experience, with smooth floral and flower aromas of green apple, grapefruit, citrus, peach, melon, lime, lemon, orange, gooseberry, passion fruit, lychee, and Apricot. Even the herbal and floral side of some fresh marijuana! 


With a lower acid profile, and lower alcohol, it still has a TON of flavour and character. The original hopped cider from Sourwood was a huge hit but definitely packed a higher punch. This new take on one of our fave ciders brings all the flavour and hop character from the original Wabamo and dial down the ABV so you can crush more.

A product image for Sourwood – Wabamo Hopped Cider


*All prices include applicable taxes and bottle deposit.



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