Grand Pre Riesling (750ml)

  • Wine Type

    White Wine

  • Size


  • Vintage


  • Country


  • Region

    Nova Scotia

  • Sub-Region

    Grand Pre

  • Grape


  • Farming Method

    ConventionalMost products with this label come from producers who do their best to avoid any intervention at all but it’s possible that some of the aforementioned preventative measures and additions are deemed necessary. Learn More

  • ABV


  • Food Pairing

    Cold SaladsSeafoodSpicy Foods

Domaine de Grand Pré makes polished and elegant Nova Scotian wines. The Domaine is known for its crisp and clean flavour profile and they pride themselves in using only 100% Nova Scotian grown grapes. They grow specialty grapes that were developed for the Nova Scotian climate and landscape and the resulting wines wine awards year after year.

Tasting Notes

There are few varieties that reflect the terroir better than Riesling. This medium sweet white wine exhibits intense pear and citrus fruit aromas such as Bergamot Orange and Lime. Riesling’s naturally high acidity and pronounced fruit flavours also lend this wine great potential to age gracefully.


Made in an off dry style.  

A product image for Grand Pre Riesling


*All prices include applicable taxes and bottle deposit.



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