Luckett Grape Thief White (750ml)

  • Wine Type

    White Wine

  • Size


  • Vintage


  • Country


  • Region

    Nova Scotia

  • Sub-Region

    Gaspereau Valley

  • Grape

    Osceola MuscatL’Acadie Blanc

  • Farming Method

    ConventionalMost products with this label come from producers who do their best to avoid any intervention at all but it’s possible that some of the aforementioned preventative measures and additions are deemed necessary. Learn More

  • ABV


  • Food Pairing

    ChickenPasta in cream saucesShellfish

From greengrocer to grape grower, Pete Luckett’s hard work, eye for detail and enthusiasm has made him successful in all of his business ventures. It was only natural that Pete plant a vineyard and open a winery on his breathtaking Gaspereau Valley property.   Today, Luckett vineyards is operated by Pete’s daughter Geena Luckett.  Winemaker, Mike Mainguy, produces a selection of wines and styles to suit all tastes. 

Tasting Notes

This blend of L’Acadie Blanc and Osceola Muscat makes for a fresh and pleasingly aromatic white wine.  Pronounced tree fruit compliments a delicate floral backbone.  Aromas and flavours of Granny Smith apple and pear with tropical fruit and a blossom notes. The palate is light bodied, fruit forward and overall dryish, fresh, crisp and well balanced.  Serve chilled, pairs well local lobster, grilled and roasted chicken, and light fresh pastas.


Made from 100% grown in Nova Scotia L’Acadie Blanc and Osceola Muscat grapes from the Luckett Estate and Avonport vineyard locations.  The juice was fermented in stainless steel to maintain the wine’s pure fruit and primary aromatic expression.     

A product image for Luckett Grape Thief White


*All prices include applicable taxes and bottle deposit.



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