Sweetness Levels of Champagne
Most Champagnes are labelled Brut and taste dry or off-dry with just a hint of sweetness. Here is a helpful guide to labelling terms and sweetness levels:
Brut Nature – Dry: 0-3g/L sugar
Extra Brut – Dry: 0-6g/L sugar
Brut – Dry to a hint of sweetness: 0-12g/L sugar
Extra Sec – A hint of sweetness to noticeably sweet, but not quite dessert quality: 12-17g/L sugar
Sec – Noticeably sweet, but not quite dessert quality: 17-32g/sugar
Demi-Sec – Sweet, bring on the cake! 32-50g/L sugar
Doux – Very sweet, dessert in itself! 50+g/L sugar